Arden University Case Study

London & Berlin ceremonies

Studio & on-stage photography services

Academic dress redesign

The Client

Arden University offers advanced technology and learning management systems to deliver high-quality educational content and support services to students from all over the world. By providing online learning opportunities, Arden University is able to expand their reach and offer a more inclusive educational experience to all their students.

Graduation Attire hosts graduation ceremonies for Arden University in London and Berlin, allowing a wider reach of students to fully experience their graduation day.

Due to the international reach of Arden University's student base, a robust live stream solution was required for graduates who were not able to attend in-person.

The Solution

Our graduation live stream services allow graduates to participate in their graduation ceremony from anywhere in the world. By streaming the ceremony live online, graduates who are unable to attend in person due to distance or other commitments can still be a part of the special moment. This service not only benefits graduates who may otherwise miss out on their graduation ceremony, but it also allows family members and friends to watch the ceremony in real-time, regardless of their location.

Arden University required us to redesign their academic dress in order to best represent their values as an institution, bringing traditional academic dress into the 21st century. The new design features a sleek and contemporary look, with a focus on sustainability and inclusivity. Our EnviroThread gowns are made completely from recycled plastic, reflecting Arden University's commitment to sustainability as a net-zero company.

The Results

Our stable graduation live stream offers an excellent opportunity for students around the globe to participate in their graduation ceremony. By allowing accessibility from a range of devices, such as smartphones, laptops, or tablets, we have ensured that graduates can join in the celebration of their academic achievements from anywhere in the world.

The successful redesign of Arden University's academic dress represents the university's commitment to modernisation, sustainability, and inclusivity, ensuring that graduates feel proud to wear their gown and cap on their special day.

University & College Contact

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